
  • EMDR

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro, is an integrative psychotherapy approach combining imagery, mindfulness, emotions, and cognitive techniques in a structured treatment plan designed to meet each client’s specific treatment needs. EMDR therapy is often used in trauma therapy and in the treatment of anxiety and a myriad of other issues. EMDR sessions follow a specific sequence of phases, and practitioners use bilateral stimulation, such as tactile or eye movements to help the client process unresolved memories from adverse experiences. EMDR can be used to address any number of concerns, and it is compatible with other types of therapy.

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your attention to present experience. It includes meditation, a nonjudgemental stance, and so much more. Mindfulness is rooted in ancient contemplative traditions and modern science now understands how it impacts us. Accumulating research now suggests that it can significantly diminish stress levels, enhance focus and concentration, bolster emotional regulation, and amplify our capacity for resilience.

  • Trauma

    You’ll hear about trauma in just about any space you find yourself in these days. With all the buzz there are lots of definitions of trauma, so let me share a simple one from a mentor of mine: Trauma happens whenever something comes into our internal space that is too much too soon, too much for too long, or too little for too long. To learn more about trauma see the link below.

  • LGBTQ+

    I have been a listed provider in the Casper Pride Guide for the last several years. It’s an honor to be a part of serving the LGBTQ+ community of Casper.

  • Casper Community Resources

    We’re all in this together! Click below to see more resources in our community.